C is For Connection!

Today we’re talking about connection, but more specifically success and how you define what success means to you both professionally and personally.


Joining me today is Riah Gonzalez. Riah entrepreneur, speaker, and author of Successful as F*ck: A No BS Tale of Screwing Up and Succeeding Anyway! Riah also created the Successful AF Community which you can join here

During our conversation we talk about:

  • Celebrating Life and honoring our success, no matter how small it may be.
  • Learning that you are enough, it’s enough, and your contribution is enough
  • Addressing the invisible audience and identifying who are the voices in our head and who is supporting us the most.

So many of us get stuck in our heads and assume we need to be doing this or that to be successful. We need to focus more on enjoying the journey and celebrating each small accomplishment along the way.

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