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Today’s episode of the Efficiency Bitch Podcast focuses on rising above “money fog” – feeling stress and anxiety due to confusion about finances. Guest Mikelann Valterra, a money coach, defines money fog as fear, feeling overwhelmed or guilt from not having clarity about money. 


Signs of money fog include wondering where money went, not tracking spending, and not knowing how much money you need to live comfortably. Money is emotional because it relates to survival and childhood experiences. To rise above money fog, prune accounts to create “elegant simplicity” rather than having multiple credit cards and accounts that lead to losing the big picture. Exiting money fog opens up possibilities and dreams. Start by closing unneeded accounts online.

  • Money fog is stress/anxiety from confusion about finances
  • Signs include wondering where money went and not tracking spending
  • Money is emotional due to survival, childhood experiences
  • Too many accounts contributes to money fog
  • Prune accounts to create “elegant simplicity”
  •  Exiting fog opens up dreams and possibilities
  • Start by closing unneeded accounts online

Rising above money fog can open up dreams and possibilities.


Connect with Mikelann

Links Mentioned in this Episode: 

Daily Action Plan or click here for a hard copy

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