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Hey there, in this episode of the Efficiency Bitch podcast, we’re diving into the world of efficiency in life. Meet our guest, Doug Sandler – a DJ turned author and podcast producer. His book, Nice Guys Finish First was the reason for getting into the game of podcasting and his story will inspire you to connect with your audience and meet their needs. 

Customer service is key, no matter your industry. I draw from my luxury hospitality background to highlight the value of going the extra mile. We’ll chat about time management, delegate, eliminate, and automate. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.

Drawing from my luxury hospitality background, I’ll highlight the importance of going the extra mile. Plus, we’ll discuss time management, delegation, elimination, and automation.  

We can show you how to work less by eliminating, delegating, and automating! We’ll also tackle how to price your services right because knowing your worth is crucial!

Lastly, please support us by leaving reviews on Apple Podcasts, as feedback and ratings help us reach more people. Thanks to Doug and all you fantastic listeners.

And don’t forget to grab the Daily Action Plan Here Or Grab a Hard Copy Here

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